Student Blogs

Fall Term Recap

January 22nd, 2013 bjgome14

With the New Year well underway and a new term beginning at York Uni, another chapter in my year abroad begins. But before jumping to what’s coming up or recent events, a recap of some major events last term is in order.

A while back Bridget Schelzi and I were fortunate enough to attend a York International Student Reception at the Lord Mayor’s Mansion House. Students from all over the world met to learn about the history of York, converse with one another over tea and biscuits, and see a part of the city few do. Overall the evening was a great highlight to my first term. Below is a picture from the reception!

Several weeks after the reception, we organized our own International Charlie Brown 2012 Thanksgiving. It ended up being a success despite the absence of the holiday in the UK. The four Holy Cross students, and our collected friends including other American, French, British, Swiss and Moroccan students joined in celebrating the meaning of Thanksgiving. Giving thanks for having the opportunity to meet one another and share in this yearlong experience together.

For many it was their first exposure to the holiday. Each person brought something to contribute toward our Thanksgiving feast, including the traditional foods like turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, etc. I personally made (following my mother’s recipe of course) Italian sausage and egg stuffing.

As we ate, I started to think about my own past Thanksgiving dinners with family and friends around the table. This was an all-together new and exciting experience full of memories with new people. We were sharing a staple of the American fall season with new friends from all over the world! Watching the American football game and making hand-turkey drawings (something very few had ever heard of)!

I came abroad to York…to bridge the gap between American and British culture. But I never anticipated how many other cultures I would connect with. And what simpler way than with holiday food and a true Charlie Brown Thanksgiving!

With the highlights of last term covered and exams now complete, I can jump to more recent events. In another post I will tell you all about my surprise trip back home for Christmas as well as my Holiday in Paris and London!

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